3D Realms et Human Head ont décidé de sortir de leur mutisme et de discuter le bout de gras avec Gamespot au sujet de Prey. Ça donne une interview assez longue où 3D Realms revient sur sa rencontre avec Human Head (à l’époque du défunt éditeur Gathering of Developers, tentative de créer l’équivalent vidéoludique d’United Artists) et où Human Head en révèle un peu plus sur le jeu et son environnement :

These areas range from tightly constricted passages of living, reactive matter to technological corridors that were once the halls of spacecraft to huge cavernous spaces both within the ship’s « flesh » and its hollow interior. We really explore this space, as well as Earth locations set in a roadhouse in Oklahoma and in a setting in a spiritual realm that appears to Tommy as canyons in a desert on Earth.

Human Head évoque aussi un peu les portals et les pouvoirs indiens du héros :

The last thing we wanted was a straight-up corridor hunt, so our major design focus went into creating new ways of playing both in combat and noncombat situations. Portals play a huge part in the gameplay, from teleporting the player around the sphere to creating impossible spaces. There’s wall walk, spirit walk, environments that are constructed on the fly, hover vehicles, and much, much more.

[…] [Portals] are fully dynamic, meaning they can be placed at any orientation and on moving objects. They can even have conflicting physical characteristics (meaning on your side of the portal, gravity is up, while on the other side, it is down).

Des niveaux qui se fabriquent au fur et à mesure ? Des portails qui inversent la gravité ? Non, décidément, Prey ne devrait pas être un simple clone de DOOM 3.

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