Alors que cela fait bientôt deux mois qu’Infinity Ward promet un patch pour Call of Duty et procrastine au lieu de le sortir, Activision publie un bref communiqué pour dire, en substance, que les développeurs vont bien, qu’ils travaillent dur, qu’il fait beau mais un peu venteux, que l’eau n’est pas trop froide et qu’ils vous embrassent.[–SUITE–]

We wanted to let you all know that we’re listening to your questions about the Call of Duty patch. I’ve spoken to the team and thought it might help to let you know that updates are definitely coming. Infinity Ward is working now to complete the first update meant to address several issues like bunny hopping, etc.. We also know that you’re very concerned about cheat protection. The guys at Infinity Ward are currently considering the best way to address cheat protection. The guys are working really hard and as soon as I have more info, I’ll pass it along.

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