Attention, nouvelle daube en vue : un FPS, Tactical Shooter, Multiplayer avec des graphismes qui roxent, des armes top originales et un concept d’enfer : Rage Hard !

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DNS & Titan Computer proudly present their new multiplayer shooter « Rage Hard. » « Rage Hard » is a tactical shooter, which is set in a not so distance future where criminal syndicates and drug lords rule the world. The player has the opportunity to choose a wide range of very different characters, he can play has « criminal » or as « good guy » his choice directly affects the kind of orders he has to fulfill during the multiplayer matches. « Rage Hard » offers a large variety of different locations such as Riot City, Gold Rush or Auqa Park a level which is set in a high-tech underwater research station. The player will be faced with different orders e.g. guarding a drug lord or stealing of top secret research documents out of the AuqaPark laboratories. The gameplay of Rage Hard is improved with many additions to the standard tactical shooter experience.

Si vous n’avez peur de rien, voici le lien vers une vidéo in game de 40 Mo. Les développeurs sont actuellement à la recheche d’un éditeur. Bon courage !

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