Tim Parklett, l’un des développeurs de Far Cry et Crysis chez Crytek, raconte son blues de l’Allemagne dans les forums de Quarter To Three : d’un côté, l’Allemagne les célèbre grâce au succès commercial de Crytek, de l’autre elle cherche à interdire les jeux violents (quand ça n’est pas le cas de fait) et adopte une attitude ultra-conservatrice.

Ainsi, on se souvient qu’il y a près de trois ans, la police était intervenue dans les locaux de Crytek suite à une plainte d’un ancien employé les accusant d’utiliser des logiciels piratés. Le récit que fait Tim Parcklett de cette descente de police fait peur :

When the small tech team appeared to inspect our computers, they were accompanied by over one hundred flak-jacketed riot police, all armed with Heckler and Koch sub-machine guns. It was a total overreaction. It was like they expected to find us hunkered down behind our desks, pulling out our shotguns and semi-automatics and shouting « you’ll never take me alive, polizei! » They arrived first thing in the morning, and kicked down our doors. They even raided the nearby private residences, with one of our programmers forced to lay down naked on the floor with a gun to his head after he discovered armed police in his room after finishing his shower.

Because we weren’t all at work at the same ungodly hour that most Germans start, they were forced to set up ambushes all over town. I was caught just outside the office. Others were pounced on in the park. There were reports that they’d even set up roadblocks on the exits to the town. We were all shepherded into our Mo-Cap room, and there we were forced to remain until questioned, prevented from leaving by dozens of armed guards. There must have been two guys (and girls) with submachine guns for every one of us. You can imagine we didn’t feel very welcome in Bavaria after that.

Encore heureux qu’ils aient bien caché tous leurs stocks de poudre ! En tout cas, tout ça ne nous dit pas si la vidéo du angry german gamer est un fake ou pas.

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