La dernière mise à jour pour Counter-Strike: Global Offensive nerf grandement le CZ75-Auto, augmente le prix du M4A1-S (3100$), baisse celui du DEagle (700$), corrige quelques bricoles et vous offre une version complètement remaniée de de_train avec des bomb sites que vous aurez du mal à reconnaître :

Pour le patch note, suivez le lien : [–SUITE–] [GAMEPLAY] – CZ75-Auto adjustments
— Magazine size has been reduced to 8 and reserve ammo is now 16 (3 mags total).
— Damage has been reduced slightly.
— Firing rate has been reduced slightly
— The CZ75-Auto takes nearly twice as long to draw, and has an updated draw animation.
— Kill reward is now 1/3.
— Updated the weapon description.
– Increased price of M4A1-S to $3100
– Reduced price of Desert Eagle to $700
– Updated the Tec-9 firing sound.
– Fixed M4A1-S muzzle flash showing through smoke.
– Fixed not being able to defuse the bomb in some cases where it was planted on a ledge and the player attempting to defuse was standing next to it on the ground (e.g. the fountain in Cobblestone).
– Fixed a case on community servers where a player would get income after the first round when they should not.
[UI] – Team equipment value now correctly accounts for cost of CZ75-Auto and for two flashbangs.
– “Assists” on teammate kills no longer get counted in scoreboard.
– Added some new holiday freeze-cam borders and the holiday cheer has been re-enabled – Happy holidays!
[MISC] – Gifts have been re-enabled.
– Released a new set of stickers (available now as offers), and put some music kits on sale.
– Fixed a few localization errors
– Fixed a typo in the game mode descriptions.
– Fixed several exploits in the engine.

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