PC.IGN et Gamespot proposent tous deux une preview de la version finale de Doom 3 (avant le grand test, donc), qu’ils ont essayé pendant le G-Phoria à Los Angeles. Alors attention, ces articles décrivent en *détail* les quelques niveaux qu’ils ont essayé, c’est donc blindé de spoilers.

Le constat est le même : c’est magnifique, vraiment très réussi techniquement, et par dessus tout, l’atmosphère oppressante poussant à la claustrophobie est particulièrement bien rendue. Pour le reste, ça reste un FPS plutôt basique, qui ne va pas révolutionner le genre.

IGN : It is perhaps the most gorgeous game coming to market, period. That being true, we weren’t always convinced that it was going to bring anything new play-wise to the table. And you know what? We’re still not. But having played through a level, there’s no denying that Doom 3 is one of the most atmospheric, captivating first-person shooters we’ve played anyway.

Gamespot : our initial impressions of Doom 3 are pretty positive. We’ll admit that we didn’t see anything wildly innovative in our time with the game, but the levels we went through were eminently playable and extremely polished.

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