Pyromania, la prochaine grosse mise à jour de Team Fortress 2, sortira mercredi prochain à 19h. On sait déjà qu’elle contiendra la vidéo Meet The Pyro, ainsi que Doomsday, un nouveau mode de jeu :


Doomsday pits BLU against RED, with only one team getting the honor of transporting a suitcase nuke full of recalled Mann Co. Australium to American monkeynaut Poopy Joe’s rocket, so he can blast off and hunt down Soviet space chimp Vladimir Bananas. It’s the same spirit of competitive enterprise that stalled the moon landing by three years when Buzz Aldrin suplexed Neil Armstrong into a pile of folding chairs at Astromania ’69! Both teams will attempt to get the necessary fuel up a preposterously slow-moving elevator and into Poopy Joe’s Australium-powered rocket to the stars.

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