Halo Ops est fier de vous présenter une interview exclusive de Randy Pitchford, le grand manitou de Gearbox Software. On pourrait donner un nom à la Ardisson à cette interview: l’interview on s’en fout.
Halo Ops fait semblant de s’intéresser à la vie de Pitchford pour arriver à la question existentielle:

Will we ever see Halo PC Co-op ?
Maybe. We want to do it and have spent resources figuring out how to do it and working on it. We know how to do it and understand the risks involved now. It’s a tricky problem and doing it could change things about the game so I don’t want anyone to be expecting it. If it never happens, I don’t want anyone to be disappointed. If we do eventually get it in, I think it would be great.

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