2002 10 26 postalEnfin une interview intéressante sur Postal2! Jusqu’ici Vince, le chef de projet, se contentait de raconter n’importe quoi et de jouer la carte de la provocation. Aujourd’hui, AVault donne la parole à Steve Wik, le Game Designer (concepteur du jeu), qui nous donne son opinion sur le caractére violent et immoral de Postal 2 et l’hypocrisie des personnes bien pensantes :

Steve Wik: One thing that I’ve always liked about Postal is that it’s honest. There’s no convenient prefab storyline to make you feel okay about the killing. We’re not wrapping it in a creamy chocolaty anti-nazi/alien/demon/nougat envelope. In the real world, idiots like Lieberman and Lt. Grossman are making great strides in helping murderous assholes feel better about their crimes by reassuring them that it was the latest Ozzy CD or Powerpuff Girls cartoon that made them open fire on that busload of nuns. Unlike reality, in our game, if you choose to go on a mindless shooting spree, you have no one to blame but yourself when you end up dead or in jail with the senseless deaths of millions of innocent polygons on your conscience. You go girl[…]

I doubt many will play non-violently. That would be like buying Need for Speed and driving at the speed limit the whole time. You can do it if you want to though. And there are lots of things like interactions between NPCs and such that you’ll never see if you just run around like a kook with your guns blazing all the time. The real trick to the game is to know when to be violent and when it’s best to just put the gun away. Like I told Vince months ago, the game is only as violent as you are.

Steve parle aussi des difficultés qu’ils ont eu avec le moteur d’Unreal qui était en plein développement et qui n’était pas du tout adapté à l’IA et aux grandes maps de Postal2.

A présent, la question que tout le monde se pose : comment les européens feront tenir tous les logos de l’ISFE sur la boite ?

Article précédentViolence, Peur, Discrimation, Sexe, Drogue et Insultes
Article suivantNatural Selection : le trailer tout de suite, le jeu fin octobre