Alors voilà, c’est la valse des patchs qui commence plutôt pas mal pour NWO, puisqu’on en est déjà à la 1.2.
Le lien : *chpaf*

Et aussi : bon courage et n’hésitez pas à venir nous signaler, sur nos gentils forums, les améliorations, si il y en a.
Merci à BlackRaptor pour l’info et non à Jimbo, quoique lui on peut aussi le remercier vu que c’est un des gars de la devteam.

Voici donc la liste des fisques :
(ah non finalement on me signale que cette info ne sera dévoilée que si tu cliques sur le lien qui suit)
[–SUITE–] Network bandwidth requirements lowered
Improved auto-detect netspeed during gameplay
Added support for high latency players
Fix for singleplayer on different hardware configs
Fix for joining – could get thrown back if computer too slow
Fixed respawn bug where you could get stuck as dead
Fixed bug where you would not respawn after team-switch, team-switch now costs you a life
Fixed bug where player would not stand up after respawn / new round
Fixed problem where you could see through walls
Fixed stuck at spawnlocation problem (script fix)
Fixed problem with jumping in sloping surfaces / jumping overall
Added in keypad keys for binding + a bunch missing keys
Fixed so that you can only speak to dead player when you’re dead yourself
Dedicated server CPU + RAM requirements lowered
Added dedicated server +pure option for GISPs (remote controlled hardware)
Improved client network transmission / higher throughput
Added faster feedback on kill / playback of death-animation when you shoot someone
Fixed so that players that are dead on the server will not get movement packets routed (high latency could cause clients to delay their deaths)
Fixed problems with singleplayer scripts
Made Internet server listing default in ‘join server’ menu
Added ‘want to disconnect’ dialogboxes before start server and join server menu options if you’re already connected to a server
Fixed player message typing, you could type outside the screen
Fixed orientation coords being transmitted over the network – players could flip around and flicker when moving / turning
Added 3rd person spectator view (Fire2 toggles)
Added ability to spectate players after teamselect when you’ve just joined the server
Added in support for binding middle mousebutton to actions
New commandline switches for running pure dedicated servers remotely

C’est prodigieux, je ne savais pas qu’il y avait autant de choses dans ce jeu.

Article précédentCVG interviewe la devteam de Call of Cthulhu
Article suivantMarch!: Offworld Recon… c’est quoi ça ?