Alors que Medal of Honor: Batailles du Pacifique s’apprête à sortir le mois prochain sur PC, Electronic Arts annonce le prochain volet de la série : Medal of Honor: Dogs of War, qui sortira uniquement sur PlayStation 2, Xbox et GameCube. Le jeu est prévu pour le printemps 2005, soit somme toute dans pas longtemps.

La meilleure surprise de l’annonce du jeu vient du background historique du jeu : contrairement à tous ses concurrents qui se concentrent sur le Vietnam (une guerre perdue par les USA, ce qui rend le marketing difficile) après nous avoir gavé de Seconde Guerre mondiale, Electronic Arts reste lui fidèle à ses principes et nous ressort une fois de plus le même jeu. Bienvenue dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale, soldat ! Après tout, ils ont une marque établie, des textures et des models déjà tout prêts, alors pourquoi se faire chier à refaire un vrai nouveau jeu, hein ?

Dans Medal of Honor: Dogs of War (MoH:DoW), on jouera donc un soldat britannique envoyé en mission secrète par le Président des USA (?!) en 1942. Comme toujours, on nous promet un réalisme historique incroyable, des graphismes fabuleux, un gameplay innovant, blablabla. Et dire qu’il y a des gens qui croient encore à ces sornettes…[–SUITE–]Le communiqué de presse :

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oct. 20, 2004–Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:ERTS) is proud to announce Medal of Honor: Dogs of War. Slated for release in the Spring of 2005, Dogs of War is the latest game from EA’s acclaimed Medal of Honor franchise which has been credited with pioneering the First Person Shooter WWII genre when it debuted in 1999. Building on the hallmarks of the franchise, Dogs of War, advances on the series by introducing players to a new way of playing, while still delivering a unflinching picture of warfare and its gut-wrenching brutality. Developed by EA Los Angeles (EALA), the new title will be released under the EA GAMES(TM) brand for the Sony PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system, the Nintendo GameCube(TM) and the Xbox(TM) video game system from Microsoft.

Europe 1942. These are desperate hours for the Allied forces as the Nazi war machine rages across a devastated European landscape. With the British on the brink, Lt. William Holt of the OSS is sent on a secret mission by order of the President of the United States. On his own, or with his squad, Holt is pivotal in helping to turn the tide in four of the most crucial battles leading to victory in Europe.

As with the original Medal of Honor(TM), producers sought counsel from numerous expert sources to make certain the game is historically accurate and as realistic as possible. The EALA development team continues to work closely with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to ensure that Medal of Honor: Dogs of War reflects the ideals and integrity of the prestigious Medal of Honor. In addition, Capt. Dale Dye, who served as Military Technical Advisor on the previous titles in the Medal of Honor franchise, continues his efforts with the Medal of Honor: Dogs of War team to ensure the authenticity of the experience.

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