Les joueurs qui ont acheté (on se demande bien pourquoi) la version Xbox 360 de Metro 2033 ont remarqué qu’un patch était disponible dès à présent pour le jeu. THQ s’explique sur Facebook : le patch ajoute quelques options (pour la luminosité et les contrôles) mais ajoute surtout la possibilité de DLC futurs.

Maintenant que le jeu est fini, nous avons réfléchi à du DLC. Nous avons des idées, mais rien que nous puissions dévoiler maintenant. Nous pouvons juste dire que ce ne sera pas une nouvelle campagne solo, pas des « niveaux manquants » ou quoi que ce soit du genre : on débute tout juste la production dessus.

Et non, ça n’est pas non plus un mode multijoueurs ! Ca serait cool, mais hélas impossible…

Donc leur DLC ne sera ni du solo, ni du multi. C’est très clair les gars, bravo.

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360 players may have noticed that a Title Update went live for Metro 2033.

There’s a couple of reasons for this – primarily it’s to allow the game to accept DLC further down the line – with the game now finished, we have been turning our thoughts to potential DLC. We’ve got some ideas, but nothing we can talk about right now other than to say it won’t be new SP narrative content, ‘missing levels’ or anything like that – it’s something we’re only just starting production on.

And no, it’s not multiplayer! That would be very cool, but sadly not possible…

However, we also took the opportunity to add a new Weapon Select system tailored to the 360 pad. The existing weapon select system was based around the typical PC gaming set-up, and whilst it works ok we got some feedback at recent community events just prior to launch that a more console-friendly system would be appreciated. We think the new change nails it.

Once the title update is applied, you need to select the new Weapon Select scheme from the Game Options. Go to Options / Controls and change Inventory from Linear to Circular.

With the new control scheme applied, some of the buttons will change function:

L / R on the D-Pad now checks your Watch / Timer

Left Bumper Button now applies a Med-Kit

Y Button now changes weapon. A single ‘Tap’ alternates between your Knife and your equipped Ranged Weapon. A ‘Press and Hold’ brings up the Weapon select wheel – use the left Stick to equip a different ranged weapon

This means you are always one button press from your knife, and two moves from any weapon in your inventory

The update also adds an in-game brightness setting (The Gamma Correction option in main Option).

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