Elited.net signe une bien belle interview de Vic DeLeon qui reprend tous les points forts du jeu. Devastation semble prometteur est innovant mais le discours et l’emphase de Vic DeLeon quand il s’agit de discuter de l’aspect gore du jeu sont légérement inquiétants :

OFX is an advanced particle system built on top of the Latest Unreal Particle system by Daniel Vogel at Epic. We enhanced it to support the kinds of things that you normally wouldn’t think of. There’s so much cool stuff about our particles it’s hard to explain in an interview of this size but I?ll start with our liquid FX, as they are pretty impressive. Blood squirts out of the severed limbs rather nicely, and drips out onto the ground, as splatters of blood are projected onto nearby walls and surfaces- even your face.

There are all kinds of dismemberments. We have developed many realistic effects so that when the bad-guy?s bite it, it looks incredible. Entire limbs go flying- arms and legs, feet, hands etc. leaving the bloody parts to be interacted with, kicked around, picked up and thrown, used as shark bait etc. (I?m serious, you can really do this.) It is also possible to decapitate players with melee weapons like the Katana sword, leaving their headless bodies stumbling for a few seconds before seeing them collapse to the ground, it?s quite grotesque.
We use a mixture of motion-captured data from real stage actors to power all of our death animations so they look very realistic from the start. We make them look even better by partially combining them with a skeletal rag-doll effect that takes partial control from the animation and makes them behave like a real body would in real life. It?s not uncommon to see a dead guy slump down and hit his head against a wall and table, or go tumbling down stairs, sliding across floors, or hanging, dangling off of a ledge. Our death scenes are so realistic and gory that we turn them off by default. Players who want to see all these horrific effects in all their glory will have to enable the global gore setting in the main menu of the game settings. At the highest setting you?ll see some way-over-the-top effects, but at medium the amount of blood and gore is toned down and semi-realistic ? read: not too offensive. Plus, gore can be turned completely off, » Vic stated.

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De leur côté, CVG ont interviewé l’un des concepteurs du jeu qui nous parle longuement de la facon dont ils ont imaginé l’un des personnages clef du jeu (sshot de droite). Une lecture intéressante pour votre culture personnelle.

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