CVG a interviewé Randy Smith, le lead designer et project director de Thief 3. Un article très dense et très complet mais, pour peu que vous ayez suivi de près l’actu du jeu pendant l’E3, ne vous apprendra quasiment rien.

Quelques extraits :

We’ve got fully volumetric shadows, which other companies are using now; but as early as two months ago the only companies we knew that were using this were us and id Software.

Sound propagation means that sound has to find paths realistically through the air, so it can’t just go through walls, for example.

There’s a light metre on-screen. When this gets brighter, if enemies turn around they’ll see you if they’re looking at you, and when it’s darker it means you’re not visible.

Body awareness is another big thing that’s new in Thief 3 […] In Thief 3 picking locks is now more like a mini-game. You can see yourself all the time – your body is casting shadows, you can see your hands when using tools and when you use the bow. The body awareness lets us do new thief-type things such as climb walls[…]

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