DICE ne sortira pas le patch 1.6 de Battlefield 1942 avant Noël comme prévu. C’est ce qu’annonce le site web du jeu, qui promet désormais le patch pour janvier 2004.

Ce nouveau patch contiendra 2 nouvelles maps (dont une réservée aux possesseurs d’Arsenal Secret/Secret Weapons of WWII), un nouveau véhicule, des modifications d’interface et le support de PunkBuster, ainsi que des corrections de bugs. Pour se faire pardonner du retard du patch, DICE publie 4 images de chacune des nouvelles maps.[–SUITE–]Le message :

1.6 Update Battlefield Command has busted butts to get the 1.6 patch done as quickly as possible. Our sincere hope was to release it before the December holidays. Unfortunately, our commitment to releasing clean patches means that we cannot release the patch in its current state. We still need some time to clear up a few glitches. So, you at least have something to look forward to in January when you’ve finished playing with all the toys and goodies you’ve received over the holidays!

Here’s a short-list of some of the features you can look forward to:

  1. Punkbuster support
  2. New in-game GUI for map and kick-voting
  3. New game server allows hosting of different mods, maps and modes in the same server rotation
  4. Chat lag fixed
  5. Russian Ilyyushin IL-2 added to Kursk and Kharkov
  6. New Battlefield 1942 map
  7. New Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII map
Liberation of Caen
mini 2003 12 20 caen 01 largemini 2003 12 20 caen 02 largemini 2003 12 20 caen 03 large
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Raid on Aghelia
mini 2003 12 20 aghelia 01 largemini 2003 12 20 aghelia 02 largemini 2003 12 20 aghelia 03 large
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Article suivantDesert Combat 0.6 vient de sortir