2003 01 30 tunr2Glen Dalhgren (Legend) a envoyé un email à UnrealOps pour leur faire savoir que « en effet, il n’a jamais été prévu de faire une démo Unreal 2 mais on ne sait jamais ».

A présent que le jeu est terminé, Infogrames et Epic sont en train de réflechir à la possibilité d’une démo et il semble que tout le monde soit convaincu de l’intérêt d’en sortir une.

Enfin, Glen Dalhgren nous assure que si Legend se lance à présent sur de nouveaux projets, Unreal 2 reste leur priorité et ils en assureront le support.

« I apologize for not paying more attention to this topic earlier. By throwing my two cents in at that point, we might have been able to avoid a lot of the controversy.

What Headup said wasn’t entirely true, although it’s easy to understand how he came to this conclusion. While Legend was working on Unreal II, there was absolutely no time to produce a demo, and whenever asked, we would say, « There are no current plans to produce one, but you never know. »

Now that Unreal II has gone gold, we’ve been exploring the possibility with Infogrames and Epic, which is something that Headup wasn’t aware of. FWIW, everyone involved—including Legend—is very conscious of the benefits of a demo, and we’d all love to do it. I hope to have more news soon.

Also FWIW, don’t read anything into Headup’s post concerning Legend’s dedication to supporting Unreal 2. Even while Legend transitions onto other projects, Unreal 2 is still our top priority.

Only a few more days now until the game is on shelves. I’m really looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks about the game. »

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