Le patch 2.1 pour Urban Terror vient de sortir. Comme ils l’avaient annoncé, il faudra attendre un petit peu pour voire apparaître les nouvelles maps: ce patch se limite principalement à corriger les bugs de la 2.0 et a quelques ajustements apportés au lance grenade.[–SUITE–] New stuff

* ut_echo command added to replace the standard echo command.
* Added joystick option to the menus
* Added the « dot » crosshair
* Added grenade support to ut_weaptoggle
* New cvar cg_autoRadio [0/1]: Disables/Enables the playing of radio messages such as « fire in the hole »
* New cvar cg_scopeRGB [,,,]: Controls the color of the inner crosshairs of the sniper scope, defaulted to black
* New cvar cg_scopeFriendRGB [,,,]: Controls the color of the inner-crosshairs of the sniper scope when over a friendly target
* New cvar cg_zoomWrap [0/1]: Disbles/Enables wrapping when zooming. When on the zoom commands will wrap around from max to min and min to max
* New cvar cg_sfxVisibleItems [0/1]: Disables/Enables visible items/weapons on players. Setting this to zero will increase FPS but remove visible kevlar, guns on players backs, etc.
* New cvar g_failedVoteTime []: number of minutes that must pass before someone can vote after calling a failed vote
* New cvar g_teamkillsForgetTime []: number of seconds that must pass before team kills are forgiven. This allows admins to control how many kills per minute for team killing is allowed.
* New cvar g_initialWarmup []: number of seconds of warmup time after a new map cycles. This allows people to join the server before the game starts.
* Overhauled the ut_weaptoggle command. Now understands primary, secondary, grenade and knife and works with a single parameter.
* Included weapon ID in the log message for hits

HK69 Tweaks

* Ammo lowered to 4 shells
* Extra ammo no longer supported
* Can no longer select grenades when the hk69 is chosen
* damage to distance ratio changed from linear to a curve
* Grenade made larger
* Grenade bounce sound more identifiable

Bugs fixed

* ARIES issues resolved
* Bots should longer cause quake3.exe to crash
* Players will no longer be dumped onto the spectator team during intermission
* Helicopter should now make noise when playing online
* Players will no longer spawn inside eachother causing them to get stuck
* Time in scoreboard should no longer be incorrect
* Can no longer switch teams in a survivor game to come back to life
* Helicopter will now kill you if you stand underneath it when its landing
* Extra scoring removed from CTF and FTL gametypes. No more scores of 150+
* Spectating someone using NVG’s should now work properly
* cg_drawtimer 1 should now should the proper time value in survivor games
* Leadership is no longer transferred during the round the leader dies in FTL, this prevents someone else from reaching the goal besides the original leader.
* Size of greade models increased to help increase grenade visibility
* Shooting grenades from the helicopter should now work properly
* When spectating another player their team color should now appear in the hud rather than the players original team color
* $leader now works as originally intended
* Few death messages cleaned up to be a bit more politically correct
* Errors in ANTI-LAG code resolved. This should help increase successful hits when using cg_nobulletpredict 0
* Player model no longer dissapear if you zoom in third person follow
* Snow should now fall in swim as originally intended
* Can now pick up weapons immediately after dropped by a dead guy (used to be a 2 second delay)
* startorbit command was cheat protected
* Should no longer get -1 kills for switching teams
* Fixed the message being broadcast to the server logs
* Player names with the «  » characters in them should now work properly
* Zoom out command now wraps around to fully zoomed if not-zoomed when the command is issued
* Can no longer shoot through thin walls, doors, or glass by getting close to it and shooting
* Can now fly around as a spectator if your the only one in the map and g_followForced is set to 1
* Spectators in free float mode should now stop moving rather than constantly drifting really slow
* Crouching under water no longer alters view height
* Team DM spawns are now randomized as they were in orignal Q3. This is a temporary fix until better spawn locations can be set up.
* Dashes in names now show up in the scoreboard when in 640×480
* Scoreboard now sorted by # of kills then kill to death ratio
* Fixed a ledge climb odditiy which would cause a studdering sort of effect when jumping at a ledge but not pressing forward
* Sprinting no longer works when walking
* In-game system menu now reports the proper state of compressed textures
* Ghosts can no longer call votes
* cg_drawStatus removed to ensure scoreboard is never blank
* Can no longer press the hotkey for menu items in the gear selection that are disabled
* Laser sight should now be alot closer to the crosshair with cg_nobulletprediction set to 0. The code was actually backwards which is why setting it to 1 made it better in 2.0
* Should no longer receive the « Default_Team_Model/skin » error
* Height in which falling damage occurs has been raised
* Log rolling should now pad log #’s less than 1000 with zeros rather than spaces
* Turning off ejecting shells in the menu now works properly
* Dropping a shotgun no longer results in a loss of ammo when picked back up
* cg_crosshairRGB, cg_crosshairFriendRGB, cg_scopeRGB, and cg_scopeFriendRBB now support commas as separators.
* Observers can no longer drop weapons
* A disonnected flag carrier will no longer take the flags with them
* View no longer pivots to show you who killed you
* Can no longer vote for the first minute after a map cycle.
* Movement accuracy modified to help prevent small position adjustments from destroying your accuracy
* no longer look at you killer when your killed
* $gametime and $roundtime can no longer be negative
* players on the spectator team can no follow either team when g_followenemy is set to 0
* Can no longer select armor piercing rounds (was not intended to allow you to)
* thrown knives, kicking, and knife hits should be easier to get now when online
* Should no longer see a laser sight when you dont actually have one selected
* After waiting for players to join in a survivor game the map will restart so everyone is reset back to their spawn points
* g_allowBulletPrediction removed to give full control of the feature to the clients

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