Tripwire Interactive annonce le prochain patch pour Red Orchestra. Ca devrait sortir vers la mi-septembre et ça contiendra plein de bonnes choses, comme l’indique ce premier changelog. Florilège :

– Addition of the Gewehr 41: the German semi automatic rifle which was used early in the war but phased out with the arrival of the much improved G43.
– All new Russian voice commands. Recorded by Russians, in Russia. They sound good!
– Fire mode icon for weapons with selectable fire modes (STG44).
– Weapon pickup enhancements: listening to the feedback from the free week, we have implemented a much more simple system for picking up/dropping your current weapon. Weapons can now be picked up by looking at the weapon you want to pick up and pressing the Use key. Your current weapon will then be dropped automatically.
– Ammo pickup enhancements: when a player drops ammo they now drop a single ammo belt or ammo pouch instead of multiple ammo clips or bullets. This makes the process of taking ammo from a dead enemy (or picking up your ammo when your weapon is shot out of your hand) much easier.
– Player ragdolls (i.e. dead bodies) are now effected by explosions from grenades and other explosions.
– As requested, we have added an option for original role names: the player can now choose to view the original untranslated role names in game.

Une partie des changements viennent de demandes des joueurs suite à la semaine gratuite, et c’est une bonne nouvelle.

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