id Software vient de libérer le code source de Quake II, sous licence GPL (G33k ph34r l33t). Bien évidemment, seul le code source est offert, le jeu en lui-même reste la propriété d’id (textures, models, levels, etc).

John Carmack nous dit :

I’m sure I will catch some flack about increased cheating after the source release, but there are plenty of Q2 cheats already out there, so you are already in the position of having to trust the other players to a degree. The problem is really only solvable by relying on the community to police itself, because it is a fundamentally unwinnable technical battle to make a completely cheat proof game of this type. Play with your friends.

Merci John.

John est décidément très actif en ce moment, puisqu’il en a profité pour sortir la version Linux du patch 1.31 pour Quake III Arena.

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