mini 2001 08 01 sof2hos0005In The Trenches a interviewé le programmeur de l’Intelligence Artificielle de Soldier of Fortune 2. Comme d’habitude il nous promet monts et merveilles: gestion du moral, tactique de squad, etc.
L’article est assez complet et s’il tient toutes ces promesses Soldier of Fortune 2 devrait devenir un hit en FPS singleplayer (pour la partie multiplayer, on verra plus tard ce que ca donne).

[trenches] What kind of hostile teamwork should we expect?

[chris] Back before we even started working on the code for SOF2, we did a lot of research on real military techniques in various environments. We would like to use as many of them as possible, and at the moment we have a working version of what we have been internally referring to as « Leap Frog ». The idea is that military characters work in partner pairs and while one advances, the other takes a defensive position and provides cover fire for his buddy. We also already have larger scale teamwork operations such as getting a squad of characters to take and hold an area, and some basic flanking techniques. Eventually we would like to have even higher level tactical reasoning and goal execution to make the random mission generator work.

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Article suivantDNF: George Broussard parle