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Tag: Clive Barker’s Jericho

Preview et screenshots de Jericho chez IGN

"It can either be a very refreshing, strategic take on FPSs that offer interesting Lost Vikings-style puzzles, or an angry descent into frustrating micromanagement."...

Jericho : la résurrection à tour de bras

"None of the team can be allowed to actually die (presumably because some puzzles need every combo ingredient), so as well as your health...

Preview de Jericho chez Actiontrip

"These scripted sequences limit the characters in terms of movement, but they look awesome and they give the whole game a cinematic feel." Ce...

Preview de Jericho chez Gamekult

"Côté visuel, la version PS3 aperçue nous a quelque peu laissés sur notre faim." - Gamekult préfère rester sur sa réserve à propos de...

Interview sur Jericho

"One of the really cool features that Joe Falke at Codemasters came up with was the spontaneous interactive cut-scenes." Brian Gomez tente de...