Vous ne voulez rien savoir sur la propagande de l’armée américaine et sur le jeu American’s Army ? Ca tombe bien l’interview de gaming invasion ne dit pas grand chose malgré ses deux pages pleines de questions/réponses. Au détour de deux baillements on trouve quand même des choses intéressantes pour les fans :

This project is ongoing, which means that the game will continue to evolve. It is our goal to keep our audience well fed with regular updates to the game. Additionally, we highly value the opinions of our players, and we are diligent about listening to what they have to say. We will continue to use this feedback to help us hone and polish the game.

Chambers: The America’s Army game is a multi-year project. The Army is constantly updating America’s Army: Operations with new levels to continue generating interest in the game and expose civilians to many different parts of the Army and Army life. In 2003, the Operations gameplay will expand to encompass MOSs such as medics, close air support and engineers; new maps, weapons and missions; new vehicle modeling like the Stryker Combat system; and Special Forces missions and weapons. In addition the game will interlace with the Soldiers game, a role-playing game in which players navigate life’s challenges to achieve life goals. There has been a great deal of interest within the Army regarding the America’s Army game and we are exploring several opportunities to capitalize on the game.

On y trouve aussi quelques infos comme le coût de développement du jeu, sur quoi les programmeurs ont-ils bossé avant (frogger !) et surtout on apprend que le jeu ne remplace pas un bon vieil entrainement militaire.

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