En Mai 2013, Bungie avait dit qu’il y aurait peut être une version PC de Destiny. Novembre 2013, l’idée fut abandonnée, il resterait une exclusivité console. Nous voilà en Juin et Eric Hirshberg, patron d’Activision qui publie le jeu, affirme que c’est un point discuté en interne. Sortez les paris.

Again, no announcements, but it’s something that’s a heavy point of discussion. And you asked how are we dealing with the complexity of developing for so many platforms, how about one more on top of that?
You know, developing on PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we’re putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it’s of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit.

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