La communauté d’UT2003 a créé un thread sur le forum officiel d’Infogrames afin d’exposer la liste des améliorations qu’ils souhaitent voir apporter au jeu. Tim Sweeney vient d’y répondre : ca traite de skin-hack, de cheats, de windowed mode, de config server-side et surtout de la possibilité d’enregistrer des démos :

Wish : Advanced demo record / playback feature. The ability to rewind, fast forward, pause, slowmo, loop sections of demos. ** EDIT ** Time- jump feature as well.

Answer : Basic demo recording is in the works (not up and running yet, but in the works). But we want to avoid getting too deep into adding demo recording features like this. It’s a very hardcoded feature since it’s based on saving out the network data stream, so compatibility tends to break between patches, and there isn’t keyframe data so demos aren’t nicely rewindable without playing back from the beginning.

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