Worthplaying a publié un communiqué de presse indiquant que Maya Personal Learning Edition sera présent sur l’un des 3CD qui composent le jeu :

Each UT2003 box will contain a copy of Maya Personal Learning Edition and a special plug-in jointly developed by Epic and San Francisco-based Secret Level, Inc. This plug-in will allow dedicated game players/developers (MOD makers) to build and export game objects and characters to the game engine.

A part ca, il y a un nouveau irc log de Marc Rein qui traine sur le forum officiel d’Infogrames. Extrait :

(|OC|Opuz_Klass) Will we have UT2003 in the CPL Winter event? (you know that 7th October red line…)
(MarkRein[Epic]) I hope so. We’re certainly working as hard as we can to make that happen!

UT2003 aux CPL ? Rien n’est sûr.

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