La version 3.5 du mod Quake 3 Weapon Factory vient de sortir. Si vous n’avez pas une connexion haut début, évitez de clicker sur la suite pour voir la liste des changements (à se demander si c’est le même mod)[–SUITE–]

================== Bugs Fixed ==================

Fixed a problem with the team voting system (/vote teamkick) that caused incorrect calculation of the number of votes needed to kick a player. (It was almost impossible to successfully teamkick someone.)

Fixed a problem with the standard quake 3 inactivity time. Previously it would kick the referee off a server because of inactivity time-out. This has been prevented.

Fixed a problem with the idle-spectator auto-kick feature. Previously it would kick players who were being spectated by players who were auto-kicked for being idle spectators.

Fixed the team and class selection menus to make it easier to join the team with the fewest players and/or the lowest score.

Fixed a prediction problem caused by immobilizing players. This fixes several problems such as sentry aiming at frozen players, cyborgs laying plasmabombs, and gunners firing the megachaingun. This also fixes the problem where you might shoot frozen player and miss even though you had them square in your crosshairs.

Fixed a problem that caused some deployables to occasionally disappear when someone disconnected from the server.

Fixed a problem with the /follow command that allowed players to bypass controlled spectating in matchmode.

Fixed a problem that caused sentryguns to fire at players even after a level ends.

Fixed a problem that caused alarms to trigger even after a level ends.

Fixed a problem that could prevent a team from dropping ammo for the rest of the current map.

Fixed the maxfps cheat protection so that you can select a maxfps value of 0.

Fixed the problems with the huds and the menu files.

Fixed the Join Team and Class Select menus so that they will auto-update themselves as players enter/leave the game.

Fixed a problem with the camera that would cause it to stay on your screen forever if a map_Restart was done after you had changed classes.

Fixed a problem that allowed the med-depot syringe to fall to the floor if the depot was positioned on the extreme edge of a wall.

Fixed a problem with the assassin where he would undisguise when emptying a sentrygun’s ammo.

Fixed a problem that prevented the building of deployables (laser, alarm, etc) on map surfaces created using the func_static function.

============= Miscellaneous Changes =============

Changed the delay on placing decoys. It now enforces the delay only if you successfully placed or remove a decoy.

Changed and updated anti-cheating protection. (As always)

Changed shrapnel grenades to prevent cyborgs from using them to jump to extreme heights.

Changed the unbalanced teams checking. It is disabled during Matchmode.

Changed plasmabombs so that they detonate other « same-team plasmabombs » inside their blast radius. Plasmabombs denotated in this way do NOT do damage, they just go away. This is to lessen the effectiveness of « double borging » or (god forbid) « triple borging ».

Changed the class config execution system so that it does not attempt to execute class configs while watching a demo.

Changed the supply depot building requirements by removing the BFG ammo requirement. This was changed because ammo-packs do not give BFG ammo.

Changed the alarm distance requirements such that you can now place an alarm in a radius of half the distance between your flag and the enemies flag (in order words, half way across the map.)

Changed sentrygun placement rules such that enemy sentryguns will not interfere with the placement of your own team’s guns.

Changed Flash grenades and Emp grenades such that if they explode in your hand, you are hit by their negative effects.

Changed the EMP’s shader effect so it’s now a tad brighter and not team-specific.

Changed the ref_clearscore command so it will now remove any flags that are being carried by players and send them back to their flag stands. This will also clear commandpoint ownership.

Changed the hud to accommodate almost all settings. Mainly this was added to fix clients who somehow break something, or wish to adjust and fine-tune settings.

Changed to a new font. Yay. Left the old scoreboard with new font. Boo.

Changed shaders to lock down on apperances. All the player model and weapon shaders are now nopicmip. Spy is now nomipmaps.

Changed to the new compiler for all maps, q3map2. It was used for reduction of tris and to balance out vertex and grid lighting. (Ydnar of

Changed the entities.def file. There is a zip file under /help that has the scripts and .def file used with the 3.5 release. Consult the Radiant manual on how to add these scripts to your shaderlist.txt, and how to use the entities.def file. Note: Documentation on the bazillion features added to the entities.def file is inside the def file itself. BIGSUN and SUN are using the same flare, and most of the supported features are using q3map2 build 2.32 by ydnar of As of this writing, there is no linux version of q3map2.

Changed default kicking for spectators after 240 seconds. See wfa-server.cfg

Changed default sv_fps from 20 to 25. It can go higher, but check your server line first.

Changed how powerups in command point work. Quad and haste do not.

Changed spawning for maps. All maps support commandpoint and CTF only on servers, some only on local clients as well. You will get an error about no spawn point found if you try to fire up in any other gametype except ctf and commandpoint. Prior maps lacking the three dom (commandpoint) entities do not work. Recompile them, and make sure playerstart, deathmatch, and intermission have both « gametype » « commandpoint ctf » for their key/values.

============ New Features / Additions =============

Added a screen print to tell you who froze you, similar to when you are hit by a flash grenade.

Added a limit on the number of chat messages you can send during any given period of time. You may send 5 messages within any 7 second time period.

Added the ability to drop as much ammo as you want at a time. The old /drop command works the same as version 3.3. You may now specify an amount of ammo before the ammo type to drop a specific quality. To do this you type /drop for example: /drop 100 cells.

Added a new Matchmode notification to let a team know when one of their teammates is lagged out. This functionality ONLY exists in Matchmode and can be turned off by using the cvar / cg_matchLagNotify 0. It is ON by default.

Added quick.cfg in pak35.pk3. quake3.exe +set fs_game wfa +exec quick.cfg will fire up a server, no RCON or REF settings by default. The quick.cfg is the same as the wfa-server.cfg in the /help directory.

Added DLB’s Config Builder with 3.5 ready version. When choosing the installer, it installs vb6sp5 runtimes.

Added wfa.arena and arena.txt file, as well as a blank q3dm6tourney.area file now allow ref to choose a correct map via the ref menu.

Added the wfa-server.cfg, the maplist.cfg, and the servercfg.cfg in the root of pak35 for ease of use, now called quick.cfg.

Added FunNames to the bots, and future releases of .aas files are planned. (Thanks, beta testers!)

Added new hud, new sounds for hud. It is 99% completed, the demo section is a bit ‘raw’.

Added new settings for commandpoint maps in the maplist.cfg

Added new command for mappers: debugsun. This helps show the pitch/yaw for flares and q3map_sun.

Added a new referee command: /ref_gametype to allow the referee to change game types. A map restart is required after using this command to activate the new gametype. Valid gametypes are CTF (capture the flag) and CP (command point).

Added a new referee command: /ref_warmup to allow the referee to change the server’s warmup time (in seconds). Please don’t forget to change it back when you are done.

Added new entity key for trigger_multiples: wf_team 3. This is solely to spawn an item that bots will be attracted to, yet will not be triggered by any team.

Added new worldspawn key for broadcasting rail and hyper effects when using a foghull and farplanedist concept.

Added new taunts, kept old ones.

Added a new cvar to improve the way the voting window is displayed.

0 : Displays the entire voting window until the vote ends. [Default] 1 : Displays the voting window until the player votes.
2 : Never Displays the Voting window.

Added a new statistics package to WFA.

These stats are tracked by the server and compiled for each player. Any player may view any other player’s stats at any time. The /stats command can be used to display the stats of any player online. If you do not specify a player id, it will use your own by default. Below is the list of stats WFA currently tracks:
Enemy Kills, Deaths to Enemies, Suicides, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken,
Flag Captures, Flag Touches, Flag Defenses, Flag Assists, and Flag Carriers Killed.

From these base stats, WFA will also display the following derived stats:
Kill to Death Ratio, Damage Dealt to Damage Taken Ratio, Damage per Minute, Kills per Minute,
Flag Captures per Minute, Flag Touches per Minute, Flag Touches per Capture, and Flag Defenses per Enemy Capture.

The aggregate of all of these stats are tallied and weighted by the server to derive each player’s PowerPlayer Rating. The PPR rating for each player is then used to give your rank and to determine the server’s current MvP.

Added a new cvar, /cg_endGameStats to allow you to decide if you want your end game stats sent to your screen (and thus your console) at the end of each map. This will give you several lines of text right when the map ends detailing your stats allowing you to keep a record if you wish by doing a console dump.

Added a new sky portal system to allow WFA to have much more realistic environments. If you do not with to see these enhanced visuals, you can use the r_fastsky 1 option to turn them off.

Did I say the ingame menu was redone?

Added a new set of flare effects. These flares allow some very nice dynamic light flaring to occur at level designer’s descretion. Those not wishing to see the new effects can turn them off by using the new cvar /cg_flares 0. They are ON by default.

Added a new definition to the servercfg.cfg file. The warmup time is now specified by the warmup setting in each individual configuration. This means that you can specify a different amount of warmup time for regular and matchmode play.

Added new particles and particle physics. These particles are best explained in the entities.def file that’s included with mapping support.

Added event entities for game events, now level designers can trigger other targets based on scoring events, teams leading, teams tied, etc.

Added a default.cfg with com_hunkmegs 90 and punkbuster enabled, and misc key binds. If you ever run into problems, simply delete your autoexec.cfg and q3config and this will bring you to baseline.

Added a new variable: G_powerPlayerScoring. When set to 0, it ranks people the old way by frags. It defaults to 1, and ranks people by the new scoring system

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Article suivantLa bande sonore d’IGI 1 et 2