Tolstiy a interviewé la devteam d’Unreal2 (Legend): les questions et les réponses sont techniques et très pointues… pour le coup je n’y ai (presque) rien compris. Si vous avez envie d’en apprendre plus sur le moteur 3D d’Unreal2, le système de particule ou Gholem alors cet article vous ravira. Par contre, si vous voulez des infos sur le gameplay les armes ou les maps: passez votre chemin. Petit extrait:

Aaron Leiby: The API is well modularized. I made a point to keep the base classes as simple as possible so-as not to restrict the types of things you can do with it. For instance, if you wanted to implement a cloth engine using it, the concept of « size » no longer holds much meaning for individual particles. I’ve taken such factors into account and restricted myself from weighing down the base classes with such extraneous notions even as « size ».

Additionally, because there’s a clean framework to work within, anyone wishing to add functionality need only concern themselves with the algorithms themselves (as opposed to having to wrestle with function definitions, user interface code and the likes). If you want to add a new force, it’s a easy as copying your favorite equation out of a physics book and wrapping it within a handy macro:

PARTICLE_ITERATOR_BEGIN Particle->Velocity += Acceleration * DeltaTime; PARTICLE_ITERATOR_END

Et blablabla…

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Article suivantUn peu de Wolfenstein