Le site officiel de ‘Medal Of Honor, Allied Assault’ a été mis à jour, avec :

L’interview n’est pas extraordinaire, mais on y apprend toutefois la diversité des environements à « visiter », ainsi que les différents types de missions à exécuter (infiltration, team play, sniping, assaut) :

In addition to the Invasion levels, the environments vary from the baked desert of North Africa to the frozen tundra of Norway, to the bombed-out villages of France, where whole sides of buildings have been blown apart by artillery.
[…] One of our favorite missions at the Studio is a level called « Sniper Town » where the player hooks up with a demoralized and frightened squad of American soldiers that have been separated from their unit. The player can simply choose to ignore them […], or they can join up with the guys and shepherd them through this incredibly dangerous environment filled with German troops and armor — and a few elite Nazi marksmen hidden in some very choice spots.

Source : Blue’s News

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