Halala, les interviews de hacker/cheater on ne s’en lasse pas. The Killing Ground a réussi à mettre la main sur un véritable spécimen. Du grand art:

  • Well I started programming simple programs “at the time were called ProGz” on AOL. It started when I met acouple of programerz that called themselves Magus & Fungii. They created an AOL Prog Called FATE. It was used for multi-purposes IE: IM Punter(…)
  • Well after awhile I got really good and peeps started accusing e of “Map Hacking”. Well after awhile I told myself “ Hold on…I am being accused of hacking/cheating…why not do it” (…)
  • cheating to me is adding on a new level, having all the weapons, all the ammo, and not being able to die.. I can go into 1-vs-20 gunfight w/ my guns blazing and know that I cannot die. I get laughter out of that. I get joy out of knowing the computer, no matter how smart, that it cannot kill me. (…)
  • Well it is really clear that ALL companies try to stop the use of cheating. But it will never happen, why? Because when the day comes that someone has a PERFECT NO BUG’D game/program, that person/company will become the richest person in the world and would probably own the world as well.(…)
  • PB (PunkBuster) did some good for a time, but PB was just another conquest for us to take over and we won. All in all, PB was a worthless product that has been WIDELY overrated. There are TONS better anti-hacks out there.(…)
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