Unreal Playground a interviewé Joe « Dr. SiN » Wilcox de chez Epic. Il est à l’origine du logiciel d’anti-cheat CSHP pour UT, il travaille maintenant chez Epic sur la partie anti-cheats de Unreal Tournament 2003. Les questions sont plus interressantes que d’habitude : questions sur le cheat, les scripts, les stats, etc.

UP: How long do you think Epic will continue updating UT2003 anti-cheat protection? Will it stop when the next UT comes out or will it continue past that time?
Dr. SiN: As long as we have to, but community involvement is critical as well. At some point, it has to go from Epic working on the updates, to the community working on the update with Epic providing support. As a company, it’s impossible for us to react fast enough in most cases.. but the community can.

Source: Blue’s news.

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