Computer & Video games est allé interviewer Dan Vivoli, vice président du marketing chez Nvidia pour savoir si l’achat de cette carte était justifié et quand les jeux tireraient parti des possibilités du chip :

What steps are you taking to ensure that developers start to adopt these features?

Dan: I’ll actually answer this in a very long-winded way, if that’s OK, because there’s a variety of different ways to answer it. I have about 120 people in my group, about 30 to 40 of which are engineers, working in developer relations. They write code, do code samples, do training, write books and teach people how to use these new features. That’s one thing. The second is that we can get to these people pretty far ahead of time, where they can start to learn about what we’re doing so that they can get things done in time for the new chips. It can be really hard to get guys going in time because a game will take about two years to build and I can’t give them a sample of our chip two years from now.

Les questions sont pour une fois intéressantes et l’interview ne se résume pas à un étalage de félicitations hypocrite et chiant à lire.

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