Le site officiel de Halo a accumulé toutes les questions des lecteurs pour finalement les poser à Jason Jones. Il ne répond pas aux questions concernant la date de sortie de la version PC mais si vous vous intéressez vraiment à ce jeu vous devriez y trouver quelques informations inédites.

Il parle notemment des softs qui devraient permettre aux joueurs de jouer online avant qu’un machin plus officiel ne voit le jour :

Q: What is your opinion on the development of the « Xbox Gateway » and « Gamespy Arcade’s Tunnel » software that will let you play Halo online right now! Are you against this or are you happy to see the community taking such an interest in playing this game online right now. But most importantly, do you plan on having these two software programs stopped?

A: I love this kind of hacking, and would never let anyone try and stop it. My only regret of course is that Halo’s network code assumes it’s running on a LAN and so you feel every last millisecond of latency (for “feel” read “are messily stabbed over and over again in the eye by”). Knowing how little time we had to make launch and that the XBox internet service would not go live until 2002, we drastically simplified the networking code. This let us spend much needed programmer time elsewhere.

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