mini 2002 07 27 jrLes gars de Project DOOM sont allés interviewer John Romero pour dieu sait quelle raison. Il parle surtout de sa carrière au sein d’id software et donne rapidement son opinion sur Doom3 : « it look nice » (en résumé).

Petit chapitre intéressant, John explique comment s’est déroulé le développement de Wolfenstein 3D et quel rôle il y a joué :

Wolfenstein 3D took 6 months to develop from start to finish […] It took Carmack about 2 months to finish the ray- casting engine with Nazi’s moving around and weapons firing. Tom and I took the entire time making maps. During that time I also worked on the menu system code and wrote the ICE/DEICE installer programs. My installer, DEICE, was so crash- proof that you could actually pull the floppy out of the drive while it was installing and it would prompt you to put it back in and continue!

When we finished developing and testing the game, I built the install version and uploaded it to the Software Creations BBS at about 4 am. For all of our games, I recorded all the demos up until I left after finishing Quake. So, when you watch the demo loop in an id game before Quake II, that’s me playing all of them. Even the Heretic and Hexen demos.’

Vu sous cette angle…

L’article vaut le coup d’oeil, ne serait-ce que pour les photos du Romero et la phrase d’introduction.

Article précédentVite vu : UNF 1.0, patch Delta Force, Black Hawk Down, D-Day 4.1, etc.
Article suivantScreenshots de No One Live For Ever 2