Halo, la petite bouse de Bungie adaptée médiocrement sur PC par Gearbox, va sortir sur Mac à la mi-décembre. La version Mac, adaptée par Westlake Interactive à partir de la version PC (elle promet donc d’être exceptionnellement lente), vient en effet de passer gold. C’est à MacSoft que reviendra l’insigne honneur d’éditer cette chose à partir du 14 décembre aux USA et en Europe, pile pour les fêtes, donc.

Mesdames, si vous comptiez offrir Halo Mac à votre mari pour Noël, évitez. Même une cravate ou une paire de chaussettes seront de meilleur goût.[–SUITE–]Le communiqué de presse :

Halo for Macintosh Reaches Gold Master

MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Destineer’s Macintosh unit, MacSoft, announces that the Gold Master of Bungie Studios’ Halo: Combat Evolved for Macintosh has been approved by Microsoft and Bungie. Manufacturing of the product began on Friday, December 5. The game will begin shipping from Destineer’s warehouse on Thursday, December 11. Halo for Macintosh should be available in most retail stores in North America early in the week of December 14 and in Europe later the same week.

MacSoft president Peter Tamte announces, « Prepare the feast. The Master Chief is coming home this weekend, and he’s bringing a Scorpion tank, Warthog 4×4, and a bunch of flyable alien craft he says discovered on an ancient ringworld. »

The game features many enhancements over the critically acclaimed and best-selling Xbox version, including 16-person online multiplayer mayhem, better graphics, new vehicles, new weapon, new maps, customizable multiplayer games and the precision of playing with a mouse and keyboard.

Players can take the battle online with gamers on both Windows PCs and Macs in a variety of individual and team-based games, including King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Death Match, Race, Oddball and more.

Players can now pilot the Banshee in multiplayer games, drive a Rocket-equipped Warthog, and control a Covenant Gun Turret. Plus, the new Fuel Rod Gun gives players the ability to lob awesome firepower over obstacles and defenses.

Halo is a sci-fi action epic that shatters the confines of traditional game environments. Players wage a hi-tech guerilla war on foot, in vehicles, in the air and beneath the surface of an alien ring orbiting in space. The game was created by legendary developer Bungie Studios. The Windows PC version of Halo was developed by Gearbox, and the Macintosh version was developed by Westlake Interactive. The Xbox version of Halo has sold over 3 million units and won numerous « Game of the Year » accolades.

Article précédentS.T.A.L.K.E.R. en septembre 2004 ?
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