Dans une interview chez UnrealBase Joe Wilcox d’Epic Games explique entre autres son point de vue (résigné) sur le cheat dans la série Unreal Tournament.

Of course cheating is a problem, but it’s not a problem that can really be fixed. I think we have done a pretty good job fending off cheating in UT2003 and we will continue to fight the good fight with UT2004. But the best solution will always be having good admins and making sure they can remove the low-lifes from the game. Both UT2003 and UT2004 have the ability to ban using the CDKEY of the game and that’s been fairly effective. At UT2004, I’ve made a lot of changes to help track and eliminate cheaters.

But it’s not a fight we can ever win. People will always find a way to be jackasses. Sad but true.

Les autres sujets de l’interview parlent surtout de points très particuliers du jeu et n’intéresseront probablement pas grand monde.

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