mini 2002 05 21 038144Eidos Interactive fait (enfin) l’annonce officielle de Deus Ex 2, aka DX2: Invisible War. L’annonce donne le contexte du scénario, point sur lequel rien ou presque n’avait été donné jusqu’à présent :

DX2 takes place approximately 20 years after the events depicted in Deus Ex, in a world only beginning to recover from a secret, conspiratorial war, technology run amok and catastrophic worldwide depression. The winner-take-all geopolitics of mid-21st century Earth have given way to a struggle over more basic concerns: food, water, reestablishing civil law and cleaning up biological and nano-tech fallout. Several religious and political factions see in the chaos the opportunity to shape a worldwide government and they know that the right moves now could determine the shape of human society for decades – even centuries – to come. The player must reveal the secrets of each faction and the identities of the true players in this struggle for world power. In the end, the player discovers that he or she may be the key to all of the factions’ plans. But the greatest mystery of all – the game’s true goal – is more personal, much deeper and, for maximum impact, is best revealed during play.

De plus, la fiche produit du jeu précise un date de sortie : novembre 2002. Le tout est accompagné des screenshots qui ont déjà circulé ici et là. Il y a également une collection de screenshots XBox, tout à fait semblables aux précédents.

Source : Blue’s News

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