Gamespy publie la première partie du carnet de bord des développeurs de Chrome. Il discute briévement du gameplay et du mode de jeu multiplayer basé sur des objectifs. La partie la plus intéressante concerne la méthode utilisée pour créer des niveaux gigantesques contenant des millions de plantes :

The terrain is presented as an aerial view map[…] The algorithms used for creating the series of polygons needed for the visualization of the terrains in a particular view, together with the newest methods of transmitting them to the graphics boards, gave us the possibility to fast-render such terrains, no matter if you are crawling or watching them as a bird’s eye view panorama.

[…]In Chrome you will find levels with millions of plants. It was only the implementation of a proper plant selection system that gave the game a good fluency. The basic difficulty was the application of such object selection methods that would make the missing parts of flora invisible to the human eye. It is the player’s impression that is most important when dealing with these kinds of issues.

Le résultat est honnête mais ne semble pas révolutionnaire comparé à de vieux jeux comme Ghost Recon :

mini 2003 02 17 ch1mini 2003 02 17 ch2mini 2003 02 17 ch3
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