Vous l’attendiez tous! L’update du <a href='toolkit d’AvP2 est enfin sorti. Cachez votre joie et lisez plutot les formidables changements qu’il apporte :

  • Updated GameDirPathToolsDEdit.exe to « Talon » version.
  • Updated GameDirPathToolsModelEdit.exe to « Talon » version.
  • Added a tutorial in creating and using dynamic lights to create sucheffects as rotating fan shadows and destructible lights.
  • Added GameDirPathAVP2WorldsSinglePlayerVehicles.ed, a sample level containing vehicle prefabs used in the single-player game.
  • Added GameDirPathToolsDocsavp2_ai_notes.doc, a detailed document onAVP2 AI commands and functions.
  • Added GameDirPathToolsDocsavp2_trigger_notes.doc, covering beginning and advanced use of trigger messages for scripted events.
  • Added GameDirPathToolsDocscustom_level.txt, a document describing how to get levels to show up in the « Single Player–>Custom Level » game menu.
  • Updated documentation

Source : AvPNews

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