CS: Source : le chargement débute pour les cyber-cafés

Avec une douzaine de jours de retard, le pré-chargement de la version bêta de Counter-Strike: Source vient de commencer pour les cyber-cafés sous licence Steam. La bêta en elle-même débutera demain, toujours pour les cyber-cafés. Pour les possesseurs de Counter-Strike: Condition Zero ou d’un coupon ATi, le pré-chargement et la bêta débuteront « plus tard ce mois-ci ».[–SUITE–]Le communiqué de presse :

Counter-Strike: Source Beta Pre-Loading to Cyber Cafés

Pre-loading of the Counter-Strike: Source Beta to cyber cafés begins today. On Wednesday, this first phase of the beta will open and the game will be playable at all cyber cafes that subscribe to the Valve Cyber Café Program. Later this month, the beta will be extended to owners of Counter-Strike(tm): Condition Zero(tm) and ATI Fulfillment Coupon holders.

This beta serves as a compatibility test of the Source engine as we near completion of development on Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source. During this limited-time beta, issues can be reported using the in-game bug-reporting tool. In addition any crashes will automatically generate a report back to Valve’s bug database. We thank everyone for their participation, and we hope Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source live up to your expectations.

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