Achtung Wolfenstein! a posté des infos tiré d’un article du magazine
PC Gamer résument ce que l’on sait sur la suite de Wolfenstein. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW) est la suite du célébre Wolfenstein (1992), votre rôle sera toujours de tuer des nazis et autres monstres, et seul évidement. Le jeu est cette fois développé par Activision et est basé sur le moteur de QuakeIII. [–SUITE–]Voilà ce que l’on sait :

  • The plotline involves Himmler’s attempts to revive the ghost of a 10th-century leader and raise an army of Nazis undead to rule the world. Nice.
  • Blaskowitz’s agency is called the Office of Secret Actions (OSA)
  • You start the game escaping a jail cell
  • Some of the game’s missions will require stealth and cunning. Others will require straight-up action
  • There will be lots of scripted sequences and dialogue to be overheard between foes
  • The game will feature a journal system that records important information for you (such as a conversation overheard while eavesdropping on a pair of soldiers)
  • You can’t sneak up on zombies. Gotta blast ’em.
  • The game’s heads up display (HUD) will tell you what items are breakable, what things are climbable, and what enemies are susceptible to backstabbing
  • Gray Matter has taken special care to prevent players from accidentally falling off ladders
  • There are three ways to kick a door in: silent, normal, and « charged ram »
  • Some enemies will be resistant to different forms of attack (fire, bullets, electricity, etc.)
  • The mechanized Hitler boss is « likely » to make a return appearance
  • There will be 16 weapons in the game
  • The lightning weapon is indeed called the « Tesla Gun », and can attack multiple enemies at once
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