Treyarch a dévoilé le changelog du prochain patch (1.5) pour Call of Duty World at War sur PC. Contrairement à ce qu’on pensait, il ne contiendra apparemment pas le deuxième mappack déjà sorti sur consoles. Treyarch « travaille dessus », sans plus d’infos pour le moment. En tout cas, le mappack ne fait pas partie du changelog.


PC Patch 1.5:
* CO-OP hosts can now kick players from their lobby
* Improved dog spawning in MP
* Addressed an issue with Zombie pathing
* Fixed an instance of the player model displaying incorrectly
* Some unhandled exception errors have been addressed
* Improved server browser’s refresh functionality when the Source is set to ‘Favorites’
* Added support for CODTV
* “cg_DrawFPS 1” now only displays FPS and cg ms/frame
* Added RCon command « teamstatus » to display players’ team information

Additionally, the following Modding items have been addressed – modders take note:

* Mods: Added joinsquad script function
* Mods: Players can now join CO-OP lobbies that are hosting map names with more than eighteen characters
* Mods: Users can now load custom maps when the usermaps folder contains fifty or more custom maps
* Mods: Removed the loading of duplicate assets that contributed to the ‘2048 materials’ error
* Mods: Increased the amount of mods displayable in the Mods menu
* Mods: Fixed a crash related to the mod.arena file

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