WWII Online Battleground Europe est Gold

Battleground Europe

Battleground Europe passe à la duplication. Pour ceux qui n’auraient pas tout suivi, Battleground Europe est une version remasteurisée de Wolrd War 2 Online qui n’est rien d’autre que le tout premier FPS massivement multiplayer.

Si vous voulez voir à quoi ça ressemble, le mieux c’est encore de regarder le trailer (40Mo). Pour les pauvres dotés de 56K, il reste le communiqué de presse : [–SUITE–]

GMX Media and Cornered Rat Software are pleased to announce that Battleground Europe has gone gold and is on track for release across Europe on October 21st 2005. Join thousands of players in the biggest World War 2 MMO game ever created!

« After months of testing and years of development, Battleground Europe is now ready for retail. » quoted Eugene Perry, COO for GMX Media. « The finished product is a game of epic scale that will continue to evolve and improve as other MMOs come and go. Battleground Europe is testament to what a dedicated development team and supportive community can create when their shared goal is a rewarding and fun experience for all. »

For all the latest information and updates to Battleground Europe, report for duty and find out more about the biggest World War II massive multiplayer game available.

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