Vietcong 2 sort aux USA

Vietcong 2 sort aujourd’hui aux USA et sera disponible en Europe dès vendredi.

– Fight a battle of up to 64 people or engage in co-operative missions with up to eight people over the Internet or LAN.
– Experience both sides of the war as either a US or Vietcong soldier.
– Take part in an incredibly accurate recreation of the Tet Offensive compiled from first-hand accounts.
– Command military and civilian vehicles to gain the advantage.
– Wield more than 50 weapons from the Vietnam War.

Vietcong 2, developed by Pterodon, is rated M for Mature and is available now for PC in North America for a suggested retail price of $29.99.

D’après Bluesnews, une nouvelle démo regroupant les deux cartes multi déjà sorties ainsi qu’une mission solo devrait sortir prochainement.

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