VALVe nie en bloc toute information concernant Half-Life 2: Episode 3

Chet Faliszek déclare que toutes les informations concernant Half-Life 3 ne sont que pures fictions. Il est flatté de constater l’impatience des joueurs, mais énervé de voir de vils trolls se moquer d’innocents fanboys en répandant de fausses rumeurs :

« You are being trolled.
There is no ARG.
Wheatley’s speech was set in Portal 2 fiction – that is all.
There has been no directive from Gabe to leak anything. That is all false.
I just want to say this so there is no confusion. This is the community trolling the community nothing more. While it is nice to see people excited about anything HL, I hate seeing people be trolled like this.
Thanks »
Chet Faliszek

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