Catégories : News

VAC : l’heure du grand bannissement a sonné

Le fil qui retenait l’épée de Damoclès vient de céder. Les hordes impures de tricheurs vont payer le prix fort pour les crimes qu’ils ont commis !

There have been many of questions about what we’ve been doing in the past few days. I’d like to get people up to speed on how things are going.

The ban list is now active, which means people that are detected cheating on a secure server will be banned from all secure servers for 24 hours. We’ll be increasing the penalty for cheating dramatically over time as we become more comfortable with how the system is operating. We know of no false positives being generated currently, but we’re going to be extremely careful we aren’t banning legitimate players.

Many people have expressed concern over us banning players using CD-Key changers. We will not be banning any users that have legitimate reasons for using multiple CD-Keys (family members sharing a key, multiple clients behind a NAT, etc.). We’re aware of all of the legitimate reasons for having multiple CD-Keys from one client, and users in these situations will not be affected.

Team Fortress Classic (along with Ricochet, Half-Life Deathmatch, and Deathmatch Classic) will have VAC support in the next Half-Life client release. We will be testing some of the features in the next
Half-Life/Counter-Strike release on Steam in the coming weeks.

Thanks to everyone that runs servers for the community. We know how important server administrators are in keeping the community running, and we’ll continue to do things to make running a server a better experience.

Erik Johnson

Pendant ce temps, sur 0GC ils annoncent une nouvelle version indétectable. Les tricheurs du dimanche y refléchiront sans doute à deux fois avant de risquer un ban à cause d’0GC. Il reste à savoir si VAC détecte toutes les variations d’0GC et les autres programmes de triche. En tout cas une chose est sûre, le cheat grand public est sur le point de disparaître (youpi).

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