Une vidéo de la suite de Tribes

Shacknews a récupéré une vidéo leakée à partir d’une faille de sécurité du site InstantAction.com. On y voit la suite de Tribes en version pré-alpha. Le jeu est actuellement développé par les anciens de Dynamix ayant fondé GarageGames : il s’agira vraisemblablement d’un petit FPS qu’il sera possible de lancer directement à partir de votre browser en vous rendant sur InstantAction.com, un peu comme Quake Zero.

Dans les commentaires de Shacknews, l’un des développeurs nous explique qu’InstantAction est une sorte de super Steam et que ce nouveau jeu se veut fidèle à l’époque QuakeWorld/Tribes :

The browser stuff is mainly the InstantAction stuff, lots of community features, etc, living design which lets us push out updates and all that very easily. I’m not involved too much with the IA side of things, but the stuff they keep showing us is pretty insane, it wasn’t what I expected at all. Kind of like Steam on steroids, and more transparent like how the youtube community stuff works with links and all that.

My personal opinion on the browser stuff is the game should come first. I’m directing the project and am a hardcore FPS player. We won’t sacrifice anything that would feel bad. The first thing we actually decided as a team was that we want to bring back the feelings of 1997 again, simple, but not overly simple, but not too complex. We want it to be like the era of Quakeworld again. Most of our fondest memories are of the quakeworld/tribes era, how cool and fun it was, not a huge investment of time and complexity, easy to get into and play but hard to master, you don’t have to worry about a huge complex rules, the game just makes sense and feels good (especially the freedom of movement) out of the box. The coolest part of the IA stuff is it’s like steam/quakeworld (or old gamespy stuff) and youtube all wrapped into a single spot. That means game stats and stuff talk about to the server, games carry through, it’s easy to launch and share, that whole feeling of freedome but community.

That doesn’t mean we don’t want to make the game simple or not complex, not by any means, but we want it to just be fun. We’ve been fairly disappointed with a lot of FPS multiplayer titles lately (some, not all) and want to make something that is just fun for us to play. The cool factor about our arrangement with IAC this spring is they basically gave us a sandbox to create what’s cool, so we can set our own guidelines and factors, no publisher or marketing interference. We were like, well shit, this would be a perfect API for doing something like this, let’s go for it, and we are, and hopefully we can find a way to bring that whole PC multiplayer gaming experience we miss back in some form to the people who miss it, and maybe introduce it to many more.

Au cas où vous vous poseriez la question : non, il ne s’agit pas d’un jeu en flash, mais d’un vrai FPS jouable en plein écran. Le moteur 3D a été conçu à partir du Torque Engine. Plus d’info chez FiringSquad.

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