Une preview de Wolfenstein The New Order

En ce dimanche 16 mars post-Titanfall, l’actu des FPS est triste et morne, et surtout anormalement calme. Il y a bien Gamespot qui rattrape son retard et livre sa preview de Wolfenstein à la bourre, mais c’est à peu près tout. L’occasion de revenir sur le lean et le système de soins du jeu :

Not only does The New Order allow you to automatically peek around or over cover by aiming down the sights, but it lets you manually lean in any direction: sideways, upwards, diagonally, and even down. After a couple of minutes, using this leaning mechanic becomes second nature, and offers enhanced situational awareness and protection without the need for sticky cover.

You’ll need to use this lean mechanic often, because Blazkowicz’s health regenerates only a small portion, so you’ll be relying on health and armour pickups to stay alive. Compared to shooters with completely regenerating health, this fundamentally changes the way you approach combat. Every time you peek around a corner to shoot a Nazi, his helmet falls off, and you can pick up that helmet to restore your own armour. It’s a simple, satisfying flow: kill enemies, take their stuff, live longer.

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