Un gros patch pour PainKiller Resurrection

Homegrown Games et JoWood viennent de sortir un patch pour PainKiller Resurrection qui corrige (selon eux) tous les bugs du jeu et ajoute du nouveau contenu :

  • Une nouvelle IA
  • De nouveaux models 3D, de nouvelles animations, de nouvelles maps
  • Du coop à 16 joueurs… (sachant que le coop de base ne marchait même pas à la sortie du jeu)

Tout ça est disponible dans la mise à jour automatique du jeu et est bien entendu incompatible avec votre sauvegarde. Ci-joint, le communiqué de presse avec la liste complète. [–SUITE–]

Painkiller Resurrection « Reloaded » Patch fixes bugs and adds new content to the game!

Vienna, Austria, January 8th 2010; Homegrown Games Studio and JoWooD Entertainment hasn’t been idle during the holiday season and released a new patch for Painkiller Resurrection. This update is now available and will be installed automatically after running the Updater. Besides fixing known issues, the update also adds thrilling new content in single player mode, as well as multiplayer modes.

Johann Ertl, Head of Development at Homegrown Games:

“Alright, here is the list of what’s new (in ADDITION to smaller fixes for reported errors »):

* New AI System: Blending the direct approach used now and a sophisticated waypoint system. In most areas, monsters will not only chase you through complex architecture but you’ll also see them taking different ways in order to outrun you. At times, even retreating to get a better angle of you from behind.
* Improved Character models and animations: Our 3D Artists gave it another shot and improved the look and animations of various monsters.
* Ingame MP hosting reactivated: Dedicated servers are no longer needed.
* Competitive MP crash fixed and tweaked: Dropped weapons look, jumping walls etc.
* Coop for up to 16 players for an intense experience! Although it’s best to play with 2-4 players with up to 50 monsters and fight them as a team.
* New maps and some other new surprises in the levels themselves are on their way.

Apart from fixing several technical issues we also added new content as a token of gratitude for all those who felt that they weren’t satisfied with what they got.”

The developer does point out that previously saved games should be deleted to ensure the full functionality of the update. Please launch the Auto-Update.

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