The Darkness 2 sera un couloir

Games.tm a les toutes premières infos sur le gameplay de The Darkness 2 :

Digital Extremes is carving its own path with the sequel, removing some of the backtracking subway elements of the original and overhauling the graphics engine with a cel-shaded look that retains the bloody and violent tone of the Top Cow comics.

In an exclusive interview with games™, The Darkness II’s lead designer Tom Galt explained Digital Extremes’ approach to development, in comparison to Starbreeze’s efforts. “What Starbreeze did well, in a nutshell, were characters and story”, he says. “It’s one of the only games I played where I actually felt an emotional connection. The Jenny death scene was incredible. I think in The Darkness there’s a lot of exploration and walking through New York City, and we felt like, ‘Well that’s cool,’ but we decided to take our game in a different direction and focus more on the action and the story.”

Si vous ne comprenez pas l’anglais, voici la même chose en français :

« On a beaucoup aimé ce qu’a fait Starbreeze sur le premier The Darkness, alors on va faire moins bien », explique Tom Galt, le lead designer du jeu.

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