Téléchargez le Quakemas Map Pack

Pour Noël, id et Raven vous offrent le Quakemas Map Pack : il contient trois nouvelles cartes multiplayer gratuites : Railed, Tremors et Campground Redux :

Railed – Set in an abandoned, rusting Strogg facility, the environment in Railed produces fast paced frenetic tournament action. This new map is all about close-quarters combat and hair-trigger reflexes as players hustle through the winding, multi-tiered corridors. Designed particularly for tournament play, Railed also supports Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch game modes, and is guaranteed to provide some thrilling fast-action gameplay.

Tremors – Built within a twisting underground cavern and peppered throughout with pipes, bridges, and catwalks, Tremors demands tactical expertise. Enemies attack from above and below in the enormous, multi-tiered environment, making team-play invaluable. Tremors is perfect for huge Capture-The-Flag games, and also supports the Arena Capture-The-Flag gameplay mode.

Campgrounds Redux – With QUAKE 4’s updated technology, Campgrounds Redux now has a fresh look and feel, revitalizing this QUAKE III classic. Excellent for any number of players, this updated version supports Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Tournament modes, where hard-core QUAKE fans can get crazy with this throw-back to one of their old favorites.

Le Quakemas Map Pack se télécharge sur notre FTP. En attendant la fin du download, vous pourrez lire les commentaires des true l33t Quakers qui maudissent Raven et Id pour avoir sorti un pack de maps trop nulles alors que le jeu a trop besoin d’un patch et blablabla.

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